Vintage Homan's Sick Call Outfit
Item Details
A vintage late 19th century Homan’s Sick-Call Outfit in a wooden box. The outfit comes in a hinged oak box with decorative brass corners and crucifix to the top, along with brass front latch. In 1897, Henry Homan responded to the concern with the fact that death could strike at any time by inventing and patenting his “Sick-Call Outfit.” The wooden box could be kept in the home but was also portable enough to carry. nside the kit is an electroplated silver crucifix (a cross with the body of the dying Christ) fit into a base so it can stand. This piece doubles as a candelabra as two candle holders extend from its base to flank the crucifix on both sides. The kits originally included miniature versions of all the necessary vessels, including two bees-wax candles, holy water bottle, anointing cotton (to absorb the oil), communion-cloth, two silver plates.
—vintage condition
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