111 ItemsSale #22SCS550

Costume Council of the Chicago History Museum Benefit Auction

Monday, October 17th 2022 @ 12:30am

In 1974, the Costume Council was formed by Mrs. Phillip K. Wrigley. The committee was formed to further develop the Chicago History Museum’s Costume Collection, particularly through the acquisition of contemporary dress and to support the costume department’s activities. The collection grew tremendously over the next several decades, acquiring pieces from some of the worlds most renowned houses from members and the designers themselves. 

The big shoulders and glamour of the 1980s served as a backdrop for the Costume Council. The decade helped propel the committee and the collection to new heights which included a spread in Town & Country, shot by the legendary Victor Skrebneski. 

To name a few of the designers that The Costume Council has welcomed to Chicago to receive the Designer of Excellence Award, James Galanos, Christian Lacroix, Hubert de Givenchy, Geoffrey Beene, and Bill Blass. The Designer of Excellence Award will be given to Peter Dundas in 2022.

The Costume Collection now houses more than 50,000 costumes and textiles dating from the eighteenth century to the present, the Museum’s world-renowned Costume and Textile collection is noted both for its size and quality of holdings. 

The Costume Council is comprised of individuals who are passionate not only about dress, but also understanding its historical context. Members work together to raise funds in support of the Chicago History Museum’s mission to document, preserve, and exhibit pieces from its world-class costume collection.

EBTH is proud to support the Costume Council’s effort to preserve and exhibit the extensive collection with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the organization.

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Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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