327 ItemsSale #

Hyde Park, Ohio Personal Property Sale

Sunday, July 20th 2014 @ 12:00am

EBTH is very excited to present the personal property of a prominent Cincinnati family found within this Madison House Condominium. Come discover a life time appreciation for the Arts, Culture, Literature, History, Music and all things fabulously elegant and unique. Included in the sale are early to Mid-Century furnishings, furniture, antique clocks, fine art and sculpture, sterling silver, and a rare book collection. Some featured items of note:

• Georg Jensen Sterling Silver Hollowware pieces that will take your breath away
• Impressive 12, 14 piece, sterling silver “Acorn” flatware service designed by John Rohde for Georg Jensen
• Louis XV Mantel Clock Circa 1750 by Louis Mangeant
• Swiss Gubelin Turtle Water Clock
• Mid Century Johan Tapp Figured Oak Acorn Chest
• Limited edition Kieff polished bronze sculpture
• Extensive rare book collection dating from the 17th to early 20th century featuring several Charles Dickens first book editions, a 10 volume, limited edition set of “The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman” which is an Author autograph edition and many more collectible books from both American and European literary icons.

Please take special consideration of the following: The preview will be held at the Madison House on July 17 from 4-7PM, yet the items will be available for pick-up at the EBTH Warehouse on July 24 from 2:00PM-7:00 PM.

Principal auctioneer: Jacquie Denny / Auction license: RP 3563

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Cincinnati, OH Auction License

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License Number 2010000091

Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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