296 ItemsSale #19CIN035

Sports Memorabilia, Fine Decor and More

Wednesday, January 23rd 2019 @ 1:00am

EBTH is proud to present the Jim and Pat Host collection. A native of Kane, Pennsylvania, Jim attended the University of Kentucky earning a baseball scholarship in the late 1950s, graduating in 1961. Majoring in Radio Arts, Jim participated in the University of Kentucky’s WBKY Radio Station as a student while achieving his college degree. After graduating from Kentucky, Jim promoted tourism and founded Host Communications in 1974 while marketing football and basketball in the Bluegrass State. In 1980 Host Communications expanded their marketing base retaining sponsors such as Coca-Cola and other successful American corporations. With his charming wife Pat, Jim Host has interacted with world-renowned dignitaries, coaches, sports announcers, and United States Presidents during his successful business career and personal life.

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Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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