379 ItemsSale #17CIN231

Art, Collectibles, Home Furnishings & More

Wednesday, May 31st 2017 @ 12:00am

EBTH is pleased to present an exciting Indian Hill estate sale featuring the collections of the late Herb and Mary Krombholz. This multi-faceted sale, the second of two sales, reflects the diverse interests of this family known for their 76 year old company, Krombholz Jewelers, as well as their genealogical roots—Mary’s harkening back to Mayflower descendants, as well as soldiers in both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars and the Gorham silver family, and Herb’s dating back to 19th century Bohemia, where the Krombholz men excelled in the field of tin and copper metalwork. Notable items in this sale include a selection of vintage car/motorcycle collectibles and parts, large selection of antique clocks with several 1800s wag-on-the-wall clocks, a mid century Lambretta Serveta Jet 200 scooter, ancient Cypriot pottery and glass, gold watches, 14Kgold and diamond ring and vintage musical instruments. Please take the time to peruse this fascinating array of curated objects, collected over many generations. Questions about specific pieces can be directed to leanne.lawton@ebth.com. Enjoy!

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License Number 2010000091

Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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