353 ItemsSale #

Villa Hills, Kentucky Personal Property Sale

Sunday, November 10th 2013 @ 9:00pm

EBTH is pleased to present the personal property sale of the Schilling family of the Villa Hills Community, Kentucky. The family brought premiere entertainment and gambling to the Beverly Hills Supper Club in the 60’s. It was unparalleled in entertainment, and gambling except on the east and west coasts and was the place to ‘see and be seen’. The club was one where patrons ‘dressed’ for the occasion and enjoyed dinner, gambling, and drinking Las Vegas style. The family has collected many beautiful and unusual Hollywood Regency style items, as well as, items from the Beverly Hills Supper Club and the Lookout House to feature in this sale. Items of historical interest or sentimental value include the George Mason Roulette Wheel which was the last one used in the Beverly Hills Casino, the Mills Bursting Cherry Nickel Slot Machine which was found hidden in the walls so it would be undetected during gambling raids, and the stunning original bar from the Lookout House. Other items of special interest include a maple Biedermeir style curio cabinet, stunning bronze pig candle stick holders, a French Boulle Style Tortoiseshell Longcase Clock., beautiful pink J.K Carlsbad china, a Spanish Alabaster Chandelier, and the Raphael Reproduction of Madonna and Child. We invite you to experience the opulence of another era and offer you an opportunity to own a part of history or something unusual. Please enjoy the large variety of items offered by the Schilling family.

Principal auctioneer: Jacquie Denny / Auction license: RP 3563

Cincinnati, OH Auction License

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License Number 2010000091

Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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