359 ItemsSale #16WDC115

Antiques, Collectibles, Home Furnishings & More

Tuesday, January 17th 2017 @ 1:00am

Everything but the House is proud to present the sale of a lifetime collector on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The sale features fine examples of 18th and 19th century English and continental antiques, such as a rare 1720’s Queen Ann kneehole chest-on-chest, an 18th century Georgian corner cabinet and chest of drawers, and a superb Louis-Phillipe marble topped commode. A collection of iconic Mary Cassat (1844 – 1926) re-strikes issued by the esteemed Biblioteque Nationale in Paris dot the walls along with 19th century landscapes and a set of scarce Ernest Montaut (1879 – 1909) hand-colored aviation lithographs. The Easton estate hosts many smalls including a pair 19th century porcelain seated ancestors and a eclectic group of diminutive 18th and 19th century cabinetmakers samples. We invite you to step inside this lovely Maryland home and bid browse and discover!

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