178 ItemsSale #16CIN545

Antiques, Collectibles, Décor & More

Thursday, November 17th 2016 @ 1:00am

EBTH is excited to present an estate sale of a well established downtown Cincinnati art collector and dealer. The fabulous sale includes paintings, etchings, lithographs, sculptures, art glass and pottery and objects d’art from around the world, with pieces from listed and well known artists such as T.C. Lindsay, Luis Feito, Vasarely, Bernard Quentin, David Siqueiros, Sam Gilliam and many more artists, and styles ranging from Impressionistic to mid-century non-objective abstract. Objects d’art include an 17th century Peruvian santos, carved wood Oceanic and New Guinea ancestral figures, and Ming Dynasty Buddhist Bodhisattva. Please take time to peruse the art in this sale…questions regarding specific items can be directed to leanne.lawton@ebth.com.

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Cincinnati, OH Auction License

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License Number 2010000091

Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny


Auction Mediation Company: EBTH.COM LLC

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