378 ItemsSale #16DAL167

Collectibles, Dolls & More

Sunday, November 13th 2016 @ 10:00pm

Collected over 60 years, thousands of dolls made up this seller’s assortment, and she loved and cherished every one. A true collector’s collector, the seller’s selection for sale here includes dolls from Madame Alexander, Effanbee, Barbie, Royal House and Avon, and were proudly displayed in the home that she made with her husband of 65 years. Walking through their house, many said, was like passing through a museum for adults and children alike. Partners in real estate, the couple proudly carved out a life for themselves and their children, all while building a legendary collection. They now hope that these pieces make their way to new homes where they will be loved.

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License Number 17551

Principal Auctioneer: Jacquelyn A. Denny

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