CW Trainer (1926-2009) and Jackie Trainer 1927-2016) were both born and raised in west Texas, though they lived in many places and traveled to many more. CW’s father was a cowboy and Jackie’s father was a baker. They met and married in 1949 in Midland, Texas, where both were working for the oilfield service firm Schlumberger. They returned to Midland in 1990. Their marriage lasted almost 60 years in utter devotion to each other.
While living in Hobbs, NM as a district manager for Schlumberger, CW quickly found his life passion: using his engineering and entrepreneurial skills to outsmart the rocks of southeastern New Mexico and get their oil and gas.
In 1956 he boldly resigned from Schlumberger to put out his shingle as an independent oil & gas operator, with only $2,000 in capital. He was a promoter and wildcatter who discovered a lot of oil and gas on a shoestring. That business is now Trainer Partners LTD, with production in NM, TX, OK, and WY.Jackie’s world revolved around her family and the beauties of nature and art, though she started and ran two businesses of her own. Her homes increasingly became showplaces as she collected beautiful things from around the world. She traveled to all continents except Antartica, visiting about 60 countries. She died peacefully this year in one of her favorite places, New Zealand. She would be pleased to know that her “pretties” find new homes where they will be appreciated and enjoyed.
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