358 ItemsSale #16BAL037

Fine Art, Mid Century Modern, Décor & More

Thursday, June 30th 2016 @ 12:00am

“My mother, Rima Schulkind, was always very creative and visual, always building furniture and tiling things. After she married my father and had my brother and me, she went back to school and got her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from George Washington University. She went to work as a social worker and was looking for a creative outlet, so she wound up taking a pottery class at the local community college. That was where she really found herself, began creating art professionally through that discovery. I remember when she got her first kick wheel and starting to use portions of our basement for creating art. She started throwing pots, but quickly realized how much she loved working with slabs of clay. Her early trademark pieces were very thin, translucent porcelain that she would use for bowls and light fixtures, some of which are in the sale." -Laura Schulkind

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