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Autographed Dan Marino Miami Dolphins Football Helmet
Item Details
A Miami Dolphins football helmet signed by Hall of Fame Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino. The white, marine blue, and orange helmet features the classic Dolphins logo and Marino’s number 13 to the back, and is signed ‘Dan Marino 13’ to the right side.
There is also a small hairline fracture on the left back side of the helmet.
- The autograph(s) on this item were visually inspected by a third party authenticator and have received a “pass” in their pass/fail visual inspection test. Beyond this assessment, Everything But The House does not personally authenticate celebrity & sports memorabilia. Items that are consigned with Certificates or Letters of Authenticity (COA) are listed as such with the item’s description. However, these details are provided for informational purposes only and interested bidders should base their decision on their own personal assessment and research relative to the item and the information provided.
- minor wear and stickers to the helmet; hairline fracture on back.
9.5" W x 9.5" H x 12.0" D
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