Sony Shortwave Radio And Vintage Phonic Mirror Speech Playback Recorder
Item Details
A pairing of a Sony shortwave radio and a vintage Phonic Mirror speech playback recorder. The Sony model ICF-SW1 radio is a compact, microprocessor-controlled, frequency synthesized general coverage portable receiver. The radio offers complete coverage of long and medium wave frequencies, including FM frequencies between 76 – 108 MHz, and covers short wave frequencies between 150 – 29999 kHz. It features both keypad and manual control options. A hard carrying case, antenna with a controller, multi-voltage AC adapter, earphones, and manuals are included with the radio. The Phonic Mirror is model HC 500. The unit features a cassette recorder with inputs for two microphones and one output for headphones. A carrying case, microphones, cassettes, cords, and instructions included.
- voice recorder powered on. Portable Sony radio was not tested.
- measured the voice recorder case
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