Richard Boren Oil Painting on Canvas of Mountainous Landscape
Item Details
An oil painting on canvas of a mountainous landscape by artist Richard Boren. This Impressionist painting depicts a raging waterfall cutting through a lush land mass, featuring pointed trees clustered throughout the composition. To the distance is a light layer of fog obscuring a snowy mountainscape. To the lower left corner of the composition is an artist signature. The painting is presented in a gold tone wooden frame featuring moulded foliate patterning and D-ring brackets to the verso for hanging.
- Please note, this is an item that may be especially difficult to move and/or transport. Unless shipping arrangements are available and made by the winning bidder, that individual is advised to bring appropriate assistance, vehicle, proper materials, and any necessary tools to pickup.
- wrinkling to tape on verso; wear to frame.
- measures frame; visible image measures: 47.50" W x 35.50" H.
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