University Of Kentucky Basketball Great Adolph Rupp Autograph Cut
Item Details
An Adolph Rupp University Of Kentucky autograph cut. Adolph Rupp legendary University Of Kentucky ‘Wildcats’ men’s basketball coach signed a piece of plain paper in blue ink pen. The signature is bold and smudge free and has been professionally authenticated with a ‘visual pass’ by a third party. This cut is personalized ‘To Donald May all your days be happy days.’ Adolph Rupp is one of the NCAA winningest and most successful coaches of all-time. Today, Kentucky’s home basketball facility is named after Adolph ‘Rupp Arena.’ This cut is housed in a protective plastic sleeve.
- The autograph(s) on this item were visually inspected by a third party authenticator and have received a ‘pass’ in their pass/fail visual inspection test. Beyond this assessment, Everything But The House does not personally authenticate celebrity & sports memorabilia. Items that are consigned with Certificates or Letters of Authenticity (COA) are listed as such with the item’s description. However, these details are provided for informational purposes only and interested bidders should base their decision on their own personal assessment and research relative to the item and the information provided.
Good Condition. The signature has been professionally authenticated by a third party “visual pass.” The paper has some toning with edge and surface wear. The original owner has identified the signature on the side of the paper.
The measurements reflect the size of the protective sleeve that houses the cut signature. The sheet of paper in which signature is on measures 5" wide by 5.5" tall.
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