Artek Reproduction Scrimshaw Whale Tooth Art
Item Details
A pair of reproductions after pieces of scrimshaw, the intricate engravings created by whalers on pieces of whale bones or teeth. One resin ‘tooth’ is presented in a glass display case with a plaque reading ‘A ’_Susan_’ tooth / scrimshander Frederick Myrick on the ship Susan – Aug 22, 1829’: this piece features two depictions of the Susan (‘off the coast of Japan’ and ‘on her homeward bound passage’) along with other scattered imagery and text such as crossed American flags. The other piece, presented without a case, is numbered 197/500 and features two vertically oriented scenes of ships and men in polar landscapes. Both pieces are marked ‘Artek Reproduction’; the Susan piece is also marked ‘Nantucket Whaling Museum’.
- piece loose in case.
- measures display case.
Item #