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Smash-Up Derby Game With Assorted Toy Cars

April 20th 2017 @ 8:43pm EST
Winning Bid

Item Details

A Smash-Up Derby game with assorted toy cars. This lot of six includes five cars, two in original packaging, and the game in the original box. The Jeff Gordon Lifetime Series item from Winner’s Circle is a 1990 Diet Pepsi Midget. A Racing Champions Land Rover Defender is from the Lara Croft Tomb Raider series. A packaged Wheaties car is a Tom Petty 43. Two 1960s style two-door cars come without containers. The Smash-Up Derby game does not need batteries.


- Smash-Up Derby worn from age; some cars still in original packaging; cars not in original packaging still in good condition.


18.5" W x 11.0" H x 3.25" D

- measured Smash-Up Derby game box.

Item #


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