Limited Edition Krewe of Bacchus Mardis Gras Print Signed by Drew Brees
Item Details
By Hand
An offset lithograph on paper titled Love Is In the Air. This work depicts an image of Drew Brees who was the Krewe of the Bacchus parade in Mardis Gras on February 14, 2010. The piece is signed by the artist and is numbered 616 in an edition of 1000 to the lower right corner. It is also signed by Drew Brees in silver Sharpie to the lower left corner. It is presented behind a black velvet mat with a gold-tone liner, under glass in a gold-tone wood frame with a wire to the verso ready to hang.
- The autograph(s) on this item were visually inspected by a third party authenticator and have received a “pass” in their pass/fail visual inspection test. Beyond this assessment, Everything But The House does not personally authenticate celebrity & sports memorabilia. Items that are consigned with Certificates or Letters of Authenticity (COA) are listed as such with the item’s description. However, these details are provided for informational purposes only and interested bidders should base their decision on their own personal assessment and research relative to the item and the information provided.
- frame is beginning to separate at corners; backing paper is punctured.
- measured framed size; inside frame size: 31.5" W x 21.5" H.
Item #