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Collection of Audubon Calendars

September 17th 2015 @ 8:13pm EST
Winning Bid

Item Details

A collection of Audubon calendars. In this collection is a 1946-1947 Calender with a ‘Blue Jay’, ‘Yellow Breasted Chat’, ‘Carolina Pigeon of Turtle Dove’, and ‘Canada Goose’. A 1950-1951 calendar with a ‘Mallard Duck’, ‘Black-Billed Cuckoo’, ‘Louisiana Heron’, and ‘Pinnated Grouse’. A 1951-1952 calendar with a ‘Trumpeter Swan’, ‘Key West Dove’, ‘Sharp Tailed Grouse’, ‘Shoveller Duck’. A 1953-1954 calendar with a ‘Cardinal Grosbeak’, ‘American Robin’, ‘Blue Winged Yellow Warbler’, and ‘Raven’. A 1954-1955 calendar ‘American Crow’, ‘Orchard Oriole’, ‘Yellow bird or American Goldfinch’, and ‘Barred Owl’. A 1955-1956 calendar ‘American Flamingo’, ‘Barn Swallow’, ‘Whip-poor-will’, and ‘Broad-winged Hawk’. Each one of the lithographs have information on the bird.


There is some discoloration in the paper and some moisture damage.


19.75" W x 24.0" H x 0.125" D

46’,53’,54’,and 55’ are 16.25×29.5×.125

Item #


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