Juan “Pepe” Guzman-Maldonado Oil Painting "Monterrey"
Item Details
Juan Guzman-Maldonado (Chilean/American, born 1948)
Oil painting on board
Signed to the lower right (obscured by frame)
Titled and signed to the verso
Juan “Pepe” Guzman-Maldonado was born in Chile in 1948. He went on to pursue his artistic career and moved to Carmel, California in 1972. Guzman-Maldonado is best known for his gestural and partially abstracted plein-air landscapes of various Californian surroundings. His compositions are comprised of vibrant pigments and gestural strokes, at times applied with the use of his fingers instead of a paintbrush. Guzman-Maldonado oeuvre has been exhibited in multiple avenues throughout Southern California.
- item examined outside of frame with backing paper removed; minor abrasions and nicks to the frame.
- measurement of frame; visible image measures 14.5" W x 10.5" H.
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