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A Sumerian Dedication Cone with Cuneiform, Dated 2200 BCE

Item Details

A Sumerian earthenware cuneiform dedication cone with which was translated on the first line to read ‘He Built’ and the second line ‘Ningishzida’. Ningishzida was the personal Deity to Gudea who was a ruler (ensi) of the state of Lagash in Southern Mesopotamia from 2144 – 2124 BC. He probably did not come from the city, but had married Ninalla, daughter of the ruler Urbaba (2164 – 2144 BC) of Lagash, thus gaining entrance to the royal house of Lagash. This inscribed cone was likely a dedication placed into the wall of a temple dedicated to Ningishzida. The cone has incised cuniform on the lower 3’ of the tapered piece, the tip was long ago broken off. The ancient artifact was a souvenir from an exotic trip taken by Dr. Henry Dunham’s family at the turn of the last century and had been in a locked cabinet (with a lost key) for many, many years.


, amazingly the cuneiform remains crisp and very readable.


2.75" W x 5.5" H x 2.75" D

, the cone is 2.75 at the bottom and tapers to 1.4" at the top.

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